Wax chandler's and torch-maker's tools Book III, Chapter 19, Section 4
Wax and Tallow Chandlers Tooles.
[None of the images are named and the identifications are based on the descriptions.]
Cutting board
68. He beareth a chandlers
cutting board; this is to cut weekes of
what length they please to haue the
candles. It is a plaine board with two
stayes vnder it, to hold it fast on the
workmans knees, and a Knife on the
higher side, to cut the week yard to
such lengths as the stock is set in the
holes of the board from it.
Tallow trough
In the base of this square, is a Tallow
Trough, and of some termed a Trouff, it
is to let the Tallow in working drop or
run into it.
Strainer tub
69. He beareth a Cratchen
Tub and Flaile, or of some called a
Strainer or Flaile Tub, it is for to purge
and cause the pure Tallow to run from
the dross, which they terme Cratchens,
and some Graves.
Settling tub
In the base of this square is a Tub,
which they call a settling Tub, a Tallow or Rendering Tub, which is to
receiue the Tallow out of the melting
70. In this square are foure Instruments used by the Candle Makers; the
first in the chiefe is termed a Ladder, it
is to ly ouer the Mouth or top of the
Tub, for the strainer to stand vpon, that
the Tallow may run through it into
the Tub.
The second is termed a Dagger, it is
a foure square blade set in a wooden
handle with an iron hoop; its office is
to Break the Tallow, to put it into the
Trough to chop it small.
Fire fork
The third is a fire Forke, which is
onely to raise and stire vp the fire: it
as an Iron Forke, set in a wooden
handle hooped.
Iron scrape
The Fourth is an Iron Scrape, or
.... set in a wooden handle, it is to
be the skullion to scrape and clense the
furnice hole from all its Ashes and
filth which the fire hath left behind it.
Chopping knife
71. He beareth in this quarter, three
Chandlers Instruments: the first is
called a chopping Knife, it is like a
long paddle with a sharp edge haueing
a sockett for a thick strong handle to
fastned therein. Its work is to cut the
Tallow small in the Trough, that it
may melt the sooner in the melting pan
or Tallow pan.
The Melting Pan, is a wide broad
flat bottomed Brass or copper pan set
about with Brick and plastered after
the maner of a Furnice or great Brewing pan, with an hole in the side and
Iron Barrs vnder the pan to make a
fire in, with a Lid or Iron doore to
keep the heat in, and an Ash hole to
clense it from dust.
The second is a Mawle, or Mawe, which is all of hard wood, made thick
and round below for about a foot long,
then hath a long handle made fast in it;
the work it doth is to beate the Tallow
in the Trough thin, and then it will cut
or chop the easier small.
The Third, is called a Padle or
Mundle, it is like an old spade without
it Iron shooe, all wood; some call it a
sturer; which is to stire vp the Tallow
and turn it about in the pan whilest it
is in melting.
Candle mould
72. He beareth a Mould, or a
candle Mould to make the candles in;
this with its appurtenances may be thus
described; It is a Lead Cestern made
of thick plank, deep, broad, but narrow
haueing crooked Irons compassing the
ends and standing out on the sides with
the ends bending vpwards; on these
Iron they lay the rods with weeks and
candle on, while they are dipping other
rods in the Melted Tallow hot in the
It stands vpon an other square Tressell or table, set on four short strong
feet: haueing a ledg or border about
the edges of it; this is to receiue all
the Tallow that through heat may any
way drop of the candles as they are in
Cratchen press
73. He beareth a Cratchen
Press, with a screw and Trough; this
kind of press hath seurell parts, which
may thus be set forth; a Trough, set
vpon two strong Tressells, haueing an
hole in the midle of the bottom of it.
under which is placed a Tub to receiue
the Tallow as it runs out.
The Trough hath a strong plank Just
to fit the mouth of it, and so to be
screwed down into it, to force the
tallow out of the Graves or Cratchens:
which screw is turned in a screw box
made in the midle of a Joyce or planke.
fixed at both ends into two standards
or vpright posts, set each side the ends
of the said Trough, and so fastned in
the ground and to the top of the
The top of the screw hath a round
head, throw which is an hole, wherein
is put a staffe of tough wood, or an
Iron Barr by which it is turned with
much ease either in or out off the
This screw and couer, I can compare it, to no fitter and liker a thing
than to a Napkin press vsed in Gentlemens Butteries, to keep their napkins
and table clothes streight and smooth
without crisps or crumples; as the
figure itselfe will manifest.
Candle rod
74. He beareth in the chief of this
square, a candle rod with weeks on:
these weeks thus ordered are ready to
be dipt in the mould to make them into
candles; which as soon as they are
finished they are brought to the stage to
hang and coole.
Candle stage
In the Base is placed, a candle stage;
it is made all of spars or Joyce and set
vpon four, or generally six feet: it is a
Stilladge in sellers, on which barrells
are sett: so between the top peeces the
new made candles hang on the rods till
they be could and hard.
Candle wheel
75. He beareth a wax
Chandlers, small candle wheele.
Though the stock haue 2 wheeles on it,
yet it is but termed but a candle Wheele;
whose use is to draw the small wax
candle week through the melted wax
and throw the hole of an Iron to the
Thickness any please to haue it, and so
wind it about the rime of the wheele,
till all the weeke be drawn through and
so from one wheele it is wound vpon
the other to coole till all be finish.
Coping dish
In the chiefe of this square is placed,
a Copeing dish. It is a wooden dish
larg and strong haueing an hole cut in
the bottom as if foure rounds were
taken away altogather. Its use is to
put a long Torch or ..... as some
call them throw it hanging, and to fill
it full of hot pitch and Rosin, and so
draw it down to the bottom of the
Torch so as it goes down it leaues an
ouer casting of pitch on it, which
makes it look smooth and handsome;
this kind of covering the artists terme
Copeing of a Torch.
Wax candle making
76. In this square is represented to
your view, most of the principall things
used about the makeing of small wax
candles, and all set in order as they are
Imployed in the Worke. Whose description take thus.
It is a thick peece
of timber or planke about a yard or less
long, and about a foote and halfe
broad; under it is fixed 4 strong substantiall feet, and on the top neere one
end is fixed 2 strong stands, and neere
the midle is made in some a round hole
to put the bottom of a brass Bason in
(others haue no hole, but when the wax
groweth could on the Bason take it of
the ..... and set it on a chaffing dish
of coals which all the tyme of makeing
the candles standeth thereby) vnder
which as occasion doth serue, may be
set the chaffing dish to keep the wax of
such an heat as the work requires.
Against the stands is held an Iron
with holes one a degree bigger then an
other; and in the chief is layd a strong
stick, which hath a round nick at the
end thereof, which being put into the
Bason of wax with the candle week
vnder the nick, and so drawn and put
through a hole of the Iron, and so
drawn vpon the wheele, as the wheele
thus draws the weeke through the wax,
so much cleaves to it, as will goe
through the hole of the Iron, and noe
more; which hole make and draws the
wax on the week round and smooth;:
and thus it is made and finished, by
often reiterating it after the foresaid
[The images match the descriptions of the candle maker and the chafing dish.]
Torch making (un-named tool)
77. In this square is an Instrument
used in Torch and Link makeing it is
called a .....
[Possibly the image shown, the only one
among the group of torch-making tools not identified with a description.]
Torch making tools (iron and tongs)
78. He beareth in this square field
an ..... and a ..... the first is a
Broad Iron with 3 holes in it, the midle
a large one and the two on each side,
one lesser then the other. It hath of the
same Iron an handle at each end: the
work that this doth performe is to haue
the Link and Torch week, after it is
dippt in the hot liquor drawn through
to make the same round and even.
The second is an Inch board or
thicker, cut broad the midle and
rounded with an hole like a rose, and
from thence drawn taper so that the
two ends may be gripped and held together.
This Instrument one side being
taken from the other, is clapped about
a new coped Torch and rubbed vp and
down it, which make the copeing liquor
ly smooth on the outside of the torch.
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